2018 Cross Over Service @The Redemption Camp
Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye
We give you all the glory, we give you honour, we give you all the glory, we give you honour. Amen
Text: Luke 2:13-14
Most of the times when we are doing any form of thanksgiving, we focus the attention on ourselves; oh am grateful am healed, I got a new job and grateful for this and am grateful for that but here the angels teaches us the focus of our thanksgiving should not be us but for God.
For the next few minutes before we enter the new year, we want to thank God for God not for you and not for me. We want to thank God the father, the greatest giver in Genesis 2:7, we see God the father, is the giver of life, He formed man from the dust and breath on Him the breath of life.
In Johns 3:16, the bible says for God so loved the world, He gave His begotten son, He gives everlasting life. In James 1:5, If any man lack wisdom, he should ask, He is the giver of wisdom.
In 1 Timothy 6:17, He gives us richly all things to enjoy. In Psalm 68:19, He loads us with benefits,the yorubas call Him Olodumare. In Psalm 23:5, David said thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
When we talk of numbers, they have meanings, when we get to 7, we say, it is the number of perfection but there is something greater than perfection.
In James 1:17, The bible says every good and perfect gift comes from the father, should I hear somebody shout, thank you God the Father, thank you God the Son, John 15:13, He says God the son is your greatest friend. He is not only your greatest friend, in John 13:1, It tells you, His friendship is forever.
Many of us has had friends that disappointed us. You have people who pretends to be your friends when all is well but the moment things dry up, the mock God the son.
Hebrews 13:8, He Loves you all the time. He will be my friend in 2019. In Hebrews 13:5, it says, I will never leave you or forsake you. Psalm 121:5, it tells you how close His friendship is, His friendship is close as shadow. He doesn’t die, He is by your side 24/7 for the rest of your life.
Thank you God the son for giving to us your name, John 14:14, He gives us a blank cheque, just make sure His name is there as your signatory. We want to thank God the Son for His name and you will discover why we must thank God for His name in 2019.
You need that name in 2019. In year 2019, witches, wizards will bow, every mountain will bow. Amen
We want to thank God for the son, for His blood.
The blood that brings us salvation, victory. We want to thank God for the sun Colossians 1:27, He is our hope of glory.
We want to thank God the Holy Spirit. What will our life be without the comforter, John 14:26. Thank God for the comforter. I won’t go into details but I will thank the comforter again, again and again.
We want to thank the Holy Spirit for power, Acts 1:8. Power from the Holy Spirit. Let me hear somebody say, Thank you the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 67:5-7
If you praise God the Son, your promotion will be accelerated
When you praise God for God the Holy Spirit, He will give you ability to prophesy.
For the next few minutes, thank God the Father, thank God for the Son and Thank God for the Holy Spirit.
We are going to shout 3 powerful halleluyah, 1st for God the Father, the 2nd for God the Son, and the 3rd for God the Holy Spirit
This year, please focus your attention on God and let Him do the rest that He need to do for you. The problem we have is that we have been focusing too much on ourselves.
This year 2019, with all pleas, don’t miss the Holy Ghost Service, because God helping me (Daddy G.O), by the time this year 2019 is ending, you will not be asking God to deliver you from witches or wizards or demons, you will be saying wherever the demons are, they should come out.
You won’t be praying for healing, you will be looking for who to pray for and they will receive healing.
God has no pleasure in the sacrifice of a sinner. He says the sacrifice of a sinner is an abomination to Him, if you say thank you father, He will say shut your mouth, if you say thank God the son, He will say shut your mouth and if you say thank God the Holy Spirit, He will say shut your mouth because my name is Holy.
Prophesies for 2019.
1. International scene
Joel 2:28-32
2. Nigeria Lamentation 3:22-23
3. Individuals Isaiah 3:10-11
4. RCCG Psalm 91
Thank God the Holy Spirit. When you thank God the Holy Spirit, when you prophesy, it will come to pass
Happy New Year to you all……