Growing in Nigeria, there were some popular rhymes and songs that we all sang. We learnt these songs from our teachers, peers and joined the multitude in singing the wrong lyrics for ages.
Some adults till date do not know the correct lyrics of the song and are still singing the wrong words.
- Sandalili Sandalili
Every child who grew up in the 80s and 90s must have sung this song in primary school.
Remember dressing up like a teacher, doctor or farmer during the end of year school party and singing this song with all confidence and pride, not knowing you were saying the wrong words. Actually, the correct lyric is: Standard living, standard living‘.
- Jangilova epo motor:
This is another popular rhyme that has been sung wrongly for years. You’re on the swing and singing jangilova epo motor which you probably heard from your older siblings or friends.
You’ve been singing the wrong lyric because you had no idea it was even wrong. The original lyric to this rhyme is: ‘jingle over like a motor ‘.
- The most Excellency is Jesus :
This is a very popular Nigerian song sang mostly by Christians. Unknown to them, they have been singing it wrongly.
The original lyric is, ‘The most excellent king is Jesus’.
- Osingo singo, praise the Lord :
Sure, you’ve been singing osingo singo praise the Lord since time immemorial. How did we end up singing osingo singo when the right lyric is: ‘O sing my soul and praise the Lord’.
- HIP for the hip for the hipopo, hipo hipo for the hipopo
The correct lyric is: ‘HIP for the hip for the hipopo, ‘ PO PO for the hipopo‘.
6. Old MacDonald had a farm iya iya o
Most people thought they were hearing iya iya o and that’s what they have been singing.
Sorry, you’ve been singing it wrongly as the correct lyric is: ‘Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E IO ’.
- With thanksgiving, as we are living, sanctuary, for you
This is another one of the gospel songs that people have invented their own version. The correct lyric is: ‘With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary, for you‘.
Did you know you’ve been singing it all wrongly since time immemorial?