5 Reasons You need to Speak in Tongues

Why do you have to speak in tongues?

The Upper Room
Speaking in tongues

• Speaking in tongues is one of the evidence of Holy Spirit baptism. (Acts 2: 1-4)
• It is a sign to the unbelievers. (Acts 2: 8, 1 Corinthians 14: 22)
• It is one of the signs that will accompany those who believe. (Mark 16: 17)

The most important evidence of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is the change that occurs in men and women. We all experience a change when we receive Holy Spirit baptism.

• Saul became a new person and began to prophecy. (1 Samuel 10: 6)
• Fearful Peter became bold. He courageously preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Acts 2: 14-41)

5 reasons some people are baptized in the Holy Spirit: though they bear fruit of the Holy Spirit, they don’t speak in tongues.

Speaking in Tongues
Speaking In Tongues

• Some are afraid to receive the Holy Spirit baptism.
• Some don’t even ask for it.
• Some don’t want the stigma that is often attached to people who are known to speak in tongues.
• Some listen to Satan. Satan tells them they’re making up the words that come out of their mouth!
• Some don’t believe in it to receive it.
• Some have been taught that it is not biblical.

Satan has chosen Speaking in tongues of all other gifts to discredit it. And some people seem to get all upset when they see others speaking in tongues.
Act 2:4: Says: “All spoke in tongues. “

It means that God purposely sent the gift and made them available to us because He wants us to have it!
This point out that there must be something very valuable in speaking in tongues.

12 Values of Speaking in Tongues:

• When we speak in tongues, we speak secrets and mysteries unto God. Speaking in tongues is a spiritual language that Satan cannot understand. (1Corinthians 14:2)
• When we pray in tongues, we edify ourselves and build ourselves up spiritually and also build up our faith. (Jude :20, 21)
• When we speak in tongues, we are conscious of the fact that God lives in us. (1 Corinthians 14: 4)
• When we speak in tongues, we are prophesying great things over our own lives. It is a great way to “Call things that be not as if they are.” (Roman 14: 17)
• When we pray in tongues, it is a way to pray accurately when we don’t know how to pray as we ought. (Roman 8: 26,27)
• When we pray in tongues, it enables us to pray much, even when our minds are tired. (1 Thessalonica 5: 17, Ephesians 6: 18)
• Speaking in tongues allows us to pray for things an situations we don’t know about. And people we don’t know about and certainly don’t know how to pray for.
• Speaking in tongues strengthens our relationship with God.
• Speaking in tongues helps us to train our Spirits to hear the voice of God and to operate in the other gifts of the Holy Spirit.
• Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift to help others and edifies others when translated.
• Speaking in tongues refreshes our Spirits and our minds. And we can receive power from God.
• Speaking in tongues helps God get control of our tongues.

We should encourage people to speak in tongues and not forbid them through our actions and teachings. (1 Corinthians 14: 39)
Holy Spirit gives ability to speak out. (Acts 2: 4)

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