Anopheles mosquito is known to be carrier of malaria fever.
The feverish temperature and the shivering that precedes it, usually make people feel that they have typhoid.
Many people in my part of the world usually treat themselves for malaria when they actually have typhoid.
Surprisingly, many people on the other hand treat themselves for typhoid when they actually have malaria. This has resulted in the death of many due to misuse of medication.
Over the years, I discovered that beside be bitten by anopheles mosquito, someone can contact the infection through cuddling a victim of malaria!
This might sound hilarious. It happens to me several times. Maybe it is because of my blood group which AA.
Since then, l always stay clear of someone who has malaria. Because once my body take in the person’s temperature, there is no how I won’t start having the usual symptoms.
I asked myself, perchance my body was reacting to a latent malaria virus in my body. Maybe the feverish temperature from another victim was just a medium to awake the fever in me!