Sarah and Her Kid
The atmospherics was crying Christmas,
Little children were naked with joy,
Nature was giving out its gentle gifts.
The happy children were dancing around Sarah,
She was tied to a pole waiting.

Men were discussing Sarah’s meat,
They were happy – Sarah was sad.
Sarah watched as her kid, Nuru was
Galloping with the rest of its kinds.
Being free – being forever young.

Being free, Nuru had forgotten his fears,
His mama was all fear for him.
This kid of hers could smile his way into trouble.
He was free and freedom was forever a trap!
Nuru was jumping, galloping and dancing with nature,
He was dancing to his mama’s fear.
All play made Nuru as hungry as death.
He galloped to suck on his mama’s breasts,
All smiles and hunger.
Then he saw his mama crying!
“Mama, this is but tears?”
“My kid, when the world suddenly –
Is happy thus, it says death is high!”

Nuru’s eyes was on the big breasts.
In that moment – the mouth could say:
I’ll catch the moon and the sun.”
Nuru looked at his mama boldly and said:
“ Whatever is nigh, I shall lick for you, mama!”
“My kid, it’s death, it conquers all.”
“For you mama, I shall lick it,” promised Nuru.
Sarah’s tears was all blood and salt.
“My kid death is invincible – in fury,
Many lives had been lost to its schemes.
It takes forms, my kid – it sets its traps.”
Nuru was confused – Mama was talking riddles.
How could this death conquer mama?

“Nuru be careful and trust not all that you see..”
She had not finished when men came to tie
Her legs and put knife in her neck.
Nuru was looking but trusted not his sight.
Sarah’s blood washed the floor for Christmas dancing.
Nuru was crying while the children were laughing.
All is well that ends well.
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