If you are Young or Old and a Christian then we belong to the same constituency THE CHURCH which is the body of Christ, please spare some minutes to reason with me.

I conceived an Idea and thought it’s harmless to share it amongst my online constituents. The idea is premised on a Promise of scripture Joel 2:28:

I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh ….. your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: [KJV].

I foresee this promise is being fulfilled, I Interprete ‘all men’ here to mean believers and unbelievers alike: market men and women, professionals, Technocrats, entrepreneurs, Captains of industries, Academias, Security agents, Clergymen, the army of unemployed and underemployed graduates, teeming numbers of oppressed and repressed pensioners, everyone in distress, in debt and discontented because of the polity, politicking and the State of the Nation I perceive are catching in on this promise of scriptures: the outpouring of the Spirit.

I began to sense this move of God’s spirit on the nation just immediately after the conclusion of the party primaries of both the left and right parties which was riddled with ‘a gale of Step-downs and then the audacious Step-up narrative’ this move is evident on the nation in the sudden surge of interest of the citizens of Nigeria from all works of life, ethnic and religious groups in getting registered with INEC and getting their PVCs in preparation for the 2023 elections.

If you deny this then tell me how do one explain it when Igbo men and women willingly lock up their shops at Alaba international market to go for voters registration, believe me there must be fire on the mountain for that to happen but I choose to recognize it as the move of God or what do you make of it when a group of celebrities partners together with the European Union and INEC to organize concerts across major cities of Nigeria where the pass is your PVC or TVC (temporary voters card) meaning registration started five days before the concert.

The Lagos edition of the concert held on Saturday June 11 2022 and the result was nothing less than 11,000 new registrants just within 6 days you can confirm that, and if you think that is just a bunch of people getting together to groove, I call it the move of God’s Spirit or what do you call it when worshippers from a particular denomination went to worship on democracy day, Sunday June 12 2022 only to be sent back for not bearing their PVCs you think that also is coincidence? NO!!!!

I think our democratic rebirth and National redemption is imminent upon us in this country, but it is up to us whether this God’s gracious outpouring of his Spirit will achieve it’s intended purpose before it wanes off.

The October 2020 ENDSARS MOVEMENT was a similar outpouring of God’s Spirit intended to achieve some 5 major reforms in our polity, you will remember how it was hijacked by the political elite. That move became a near-success because of lack of ownership and leadership.

Nobody owned it, nobody gave it a sense of direction so like Brownian motion it went everywhere until it exploded in all our faces. It is going to be in our collective and enlightened national interest that the Church step-up and own this new but yet time-bound move of God.

The Church has been stepping-down for the political elite for too long by believing their lies first of which is that Church folks don’t need to get involved in politics, second by allowing their narrative of our votes don’t count sell to the masses for too long, can you justify vote buying if really votes doesn’t count?

Third which is that they: the political elite from both the left and right parties has the political structure to dominate the political landscape, the reality of scripture is that the function of dominance belongs to the body of Christ but because we have been stepping-down for the political elites for too long in this country and have believed their lies to the point that the Government that’s supposed to be on our shoulders had slipped off, but thank God for this new outpouring which I perceive is aimed at recovering government and governance structures, truth is structure does not lie with the political elites but with the political masses of which THE CHURCH is the major broker.

This outpouring of God’s Spirit is ours to take advantage of. Where are the old men with the Nigeria Dream(s), the visionary and prophetic young men behold yet the fulfillment of Joel 2:28 let us Step-up and own this crusade by providing leadership and tactical deployment of strategies that will ensure that every people group within this geographic space called Nigeria catch-up on this godly frenzy.

This is not a campaign for any political party, I am not unaware of our political preferences rather it is a crusade against voter apathy within our own constituency.

I commend the efforts of the denominations that have been making great efforts before, but now it’s a call for us to do more, utilizing our existing denominational structures and good workforce to serve this country within and around our host communities.

Imagine this interesting statistics of the 2019 presidential election Source (INEC)
APC – 15,191,847
PDP – 11,262,978
Total votes cast for other Parties – 272,011
Total Number of registered voters – 82,344,107
Total vote cast for APC, PDP and other parties – 26,726,836
Meaning about 55,617,271 registered voters did not vote.

The above data speaks to voter apathy and I know the church can do something about it in compliment to what INEC and other civil society organisations are already doing I wish strongly that by the effort of the Church and other well meaning organisations that the total number of registered voters would rise from 82,344,107 to at least about 150,000,000 out of our estimated 200,000,000 population within the window of time left and considering a possible extension of registration time.

If you consider yourself as one of the old men with the Nigerian Dream or the Visionary and Prophetic Youth the least you could do is to share this until every church leader sees it.

You could embark on voter registration campaigns within your circle of influence, and if you have great ideas on how you think this crusade can be better achieved you can comment below or reach out.

My name is Victor Asa.
I just want a better Nigeria and I believe my constituency THE CHURCH can do much more than praying
08035212415 [email protected]