The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Life Hack

[The Ten Virgins as Case Study]
Ten virgins were waiting for the bridegroom to come. They were waiting to go with the bridegroom to the wedding banquet. It took a long time for the bridegroom to come. All the virgins fell asleep!
Virgins signify purity, sanctification, holiness and love. The virgins represent the chosen and expectant Christians, who are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ. They are pure, sanctified, holy and loving.
All the ten virgins had the above qualifications. They all reasonably assumed that with all the qualifications, it would be automatic for them to welcome the bridegroom.
Yet, of the ten virgins, five virgins were wise and five virgins were foolish.
The wise virgins eventually made it with the bridegroom to the wedding banquet. The foolish virgins did not make it. They failed, despite their qualifications.
Lessons from the five wise Virgins:
• They were ready:
They have all the qualifications: Purity, sanctification, holiness and love. They were qualified and ready to welcome the bridegroom. Thus, they were qualification-wise ready.
• They were expectant:
They were waiting anxiously for the bridegroom. They were very sure that the bridegroom would come.
• They were alive Spiritually:
They kept their lamp burning. They kept themselves in the light while they were waiting.
• They prepared themselves for any eventuality while waiting:
They kept extra oil! The extra oil would keep them from burning out. The oil of anointing would sustain their fire of Holy Spirit and therefore keep them in perpetual divine light.
• They were focused on their expectation:
Their expectation was the coming of the bridegroom. They were so wedding-banquet conscious. The bridegroom was the only way through whom they could get there. His coming was life and eternal joy for them.
• They readily prepared to avoid hindrances:
They had seen the end from the beginning. Thus, they considered all the likely hindrances and prepared to avoid them.
• Though they slept, they were alert spiritually:
They could hear the announcement that the bridegroom had come, though they were sleeping. Their bodies were sleeping, but their spirits were alive!
• They planned from the beginning to welcome the bridegroom:
They had studied about waiting and they understood the importance of preparation. They were knowledgeable that fire won’t burn forever. The oil needed to be renewed to keep the fire burning.
Lessons from the five foolish Virgins:
• They were also ready:
They had all it takes to welcome the bridegroom and therefore go with him to the wedding banquet.
• They were careless while waiting:
They did not prepare for eventualities. They were not with extra oil. They take necessary things lightly.
• They were expectant:
They were also sure that the bridegroom would come. They too were expecting him anxiously.
• They were alive spiritually:
They too kept their lamps burning. They were also in the light while they were waiting.
• They eventually slept spiritually:
Though they trimmed their lamps as soon as they woke up, their lamps were already going out! The fire of the Holy Spirit in them was waning and there was no extra oil of anointing to sustain the fire.
• They became distracted by the absence of oil and light:
They needed oil to lit their lamps. They knew that they could not welcome the bridegroom in a state of lamplessness.
• Their focus was changed:
They became shifted from where they were watching and waiting. They went out to look for oil to buy. At that moment, their focus was shifted from the bridegroom to we-must-get-oil-to-buy!
• They put hindrances on their own path:
They also saw the end from the beginning. But they did not prepare for any eventuality. They were very okay with their qualifications.
They were ignorant of hindrances, and they eventually perish in their ignorance.
• They planned to fail from the beginning:
They had no plan. They were careless of their lamps. They were clueless of the importance of preparation.
The Life Hack:
While we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us to Keep watch, because we do not know the day or the hour.
Thus, while we watch and wait steadfastly in holiness, love, sanctification and purity:
• We should renew our anointing constantly through daily fellowship with God.
• We should sustain the Holy Spirit in us through holy living.
Reference: Matthew 25: 1-13.
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